Our Tree - Introduction
As of the last publish date we have over 15,143 individuals, 3,611
marriages, 16 generations, and 2,297 surnames. We hope you find our research helpful and encourage you to provide us feedback - good and not so good.
Note: If we could not find the name of a person you will see "UNK" for unknown, "MALE" or "FEMALE" usually for an
unidentified sibling, or a last name followed by *** which indicates we could not find the maiden name. If there are different
spellings of the name you will see it in parenthesis or as a comment in the notes.
As we update our tree the program we use regenerates all the page names, so if you bookmark a page in the Family Tree pages
the link may not work after an update.
You can browse our tree by clicking
or search it by name at the bottom of this page
If you want to be notified when we update then please use the contact page to request to be added to a distribution list.
We learned, almost too late, that not everything you learn about family trees on the Internet is necessarily true, or can be proven. We try to verify other people's information either by the UK or US census records or any other 'reputable' or 'proven' methods. If you find something you disagree with, please let us know and share the source with us on the contact page.